
How to use props

Modal Component

openbooleanControls the visibility of the modal or modal content.
onClose() => voidCallback function to handle closing of the modal.
childrenReact.ReactNodeContent to be displayed inside the component.
size"sm","md","lg""sm"Size of the modal.
animationType"slide-up","slide-down","fade","zoom""zoom"Type of animation used for the modal.
widthnumber"25vw"Custom width for the modal.
disableBackdropClickbooleanfalseDisables closing the modal when clicking on the backdrop.
customModalOverlystringCustom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.
customModalContentstringCustom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.

Title & Description Component

childrenReact.ReactNodeText content of the title.
fontSizestringCustom font size for the title.
colorstringColor for the title.
textAlign"left","center""left"Text alignment for the title.
fontWidth"300","400","500","600","700","800","900""700"Font weight for the title.
customModalTitlestringCustom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.
customModalDescriptionstringCustom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.

Button Component

childrenReact.ReactNodeContent displayed inside the button.
color"primary","secondary", "success","error","warning","info","primary""secondary"Color theme for the button.
size"sm","md","lg""sm"Size of the button.
animationOnHover"slide-up","slide-down", "fade","zoom""slide-up"Animation applied when hovering over the button.
disabledbooleanfalseDisables the button when set to true.
onClose() => voidCallback for closing the button (useful if the button is part of a modal or similar component).
startIconReact.ReactNodeIcon displayed at the start of the button.
endIconReact.ReactNodeIcon displayed at the end of the button.
loadingbooleanfalseShows a loading spinner when true.
variant"contained","outline", "text","contained""contained"Variant style of the button.
customModalCancelButtonstring""Custom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.
customModalSuccessButtonstringCustom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.
primary,secondary,error,success,warning,infostringCustom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.
btn-sm,btn-md,btn-lgstringCustom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.

Divider Component

colorstringColor of the divider line.
heightstringHeight of the divider line.
customModalDividerstringCustom class name to apply additional styles or override existing styles.
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